02 4234 0036 Info@P3AV.com.au
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Audio Visual Installation

We have a team of experts who are able to supply and install your Audio Visual Equipment professionally and on time. Contact us today for an obligation free quote

Audio Visual Maintenance

Is your Audio Visual Equipment running to its full potential? Are you having constant problems and complaints? Our professional Audio Visual team are able to help by performing upgrades, testing maintenance and cleaning of your AV Components. Contact us today and let us solve all your AV hassles.


Test & Tag

Our team is fully qualified to Test & Tag your electrical cables and hardware items. All cables should be tested every 24 months. All electrical equipment should be tested every 48 months. We can replace failed electrical cables during the testing phase. You may also choose to test your audio visual cables to ensure they are functioning correctly and any defective leads will be replaced.

Contact us today to make sure your equipment is Tested and Tagged.